Information about a registered object is stored in the registry in three or four places. There is a section for a:
Version-dependent ProgID
Version-independent ProgID
Type Library (optional)
All this cross-referencing ensures that an object’s information can be found no matter what the program starts with.
The PowerBuilder.Application functions update the tree HKEY_CLASSES_ROOT. The other keys in the registry reflect this information for a particular context.
Information for each entry is stored in subkeys, which are a level below the entry subkey. Some subkeys have values, such as a file name. Others have meaning just because they are there, such as NotInsertable.
Each entry and its associated subkeys is described below.
The list of registered ProgIDs appears in the registry under this key:
Both version-dependent and version-independent ProgIDs appear. The ProgID is a cross-reference to the object’s CLSID.
Subkey |
Value |
Description of object |
The object’s CLSID |
\CLASSES\ProgID\CurVer (for the version-independent entry only) |
The version-dependent ProgID |
\CLASSES\ProgID\NotInsertable |
Empty string |
Under the CLASSES key is a subkey CLSID that lists all the registered CLSIDs. Each CLSID records all the information about the registered object:
Subkey |
Value |
The GUID for the object. |
\CLASSES\CLSID\{guid}\InProcServer32 |
The path and file name for the PowerBuilder runtime DLL. |
\CLASSES\CLSID\{guid}\NotInsertable |
"" |
\CLASSES\CLSID\{guid}\PowerBuilder |
Not set. Subkeys store information about the object’s environment (see below). |
\CLASSES\CLSID\{guid}\Programmable |
"" |
\CLASSES\CLSID\{guid}\ProgID |
The ProgID you specified with the current version number. |
\CLASSES\CLSID\{guid}\TypeLib |
The CLSID for the type library. |
\CLASSES\CLSID\{guid}\ VersionIndependentProgID |
The ProgID you specified without a version number. |
PowerBuilder subkey under \CLASSES\CLSID |
Value |
{guid}\PowerBuilder\BinaryType |
The type of code in the library, either compiled machine code (MCODE) or Pcode |
{guid}\PowerBuilder\LibraryList |
The name of the library that contains the object |
{guid}\PowerBuilder\ClassName |
The object’s name in the library |
Under the CLASSES key is another subkey for TypeLib.
Subkey |
Value |
\CLASSES\TypeLib\{guid} |
The GUID for the type library. |
\CLASSES\TypeLib\{guid}\VersionNum |
The version number of the type library. A tree of subkeys is below the version number, allowing entries for type libraries in several languages. VersionNum\LanguageID\Win32 specifies the path and name of type library file for 32-bit Windows operating systems. |
\CLASSES\TypeLib\{guid}\FLAGS |
0 |
\CLASSES\TypeLib\{guid}\HELPDIR |
The directory where a Help file is located. |