The PowerBuilder window plug-in lets you display a PowerBuilder child window on a Web page viewed in a browser that supports Netscape plug-ins.
Internet Explorer
Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack 2 and later versions
do not support Netscape plug-ins. As a result, the PowerBuilder
window plug-in cannot be used to display PSR reports on those browsers.
The PowerBuilder child window can include all the familiar controls, including DataWindows, OLE objects, ActiveX (OCX) controls, and tree controls. You can also open other (pop-up or response) windows from the child window.
As the user interacts with controls in the child and other windows, scripts for the controls’ events are executed just as they are in standalone PowerBuilder applications. Database access by the plug-in application occurs locally using the client’s defined database connections.
The objects in the application can be contained in one or more PowerBuilder Dynamic Libraries (PBDs).
There are two versions of the PowerBuilder window plug-in: standard and secure.
Standard PowerBuilder window plug-in The standard PowerBuilder window plug-in displays a PowerBuilder child window in an HTML page. The standard window plug-in is implemented by NPPBA105.DLL.
Secure PowerBuilder window plug-in The secure PowerBuilder window plug-in is a secure version of the standard window plug-in. Using the secure version ensures that PowerBuilder applications downloaded over the Internet do not damage a client system or access information on a client workstation. The secure window plug-in is implemented by NPPBS105.DLL.
For considerations to keep in mind when using the secure version of the PowerBuilder window plug-in, see “Using the secure PowerBuilder window plug-in”.
The PowerBuilder window plug-in requires use of a browser that supports Netscape plug-ins, such as Netscape Navigator Version 3.x or later. Microsoft Internet Explorer 5.5 Service Pack 2 and later versions do not support Netscape plug-ins.
The standard PowerBuilder window plug-in is a nonsecure application, meaning that it can access local files and run local applications. These types of processing are often undesirable in an uncontrolled Web environment but might be perfectly acceptable on a corporate intranet where access is controlled.
If security is important at your site, consider using the secure version of the PowerBuilder window plug-in to build your application.
Some events always execute in secure mode
As of PowerBuilder 7, the application Open event and some
of the Constructor events for controls execute in secure mode even
when you use the standard window plug-in. If your application logic
depends on the ability to perform a nonsecure activity in these
events, such as opening a file for writing, post an event message
to yourself. These are processed once the plug-in returns to standard
For more about the secure PowerBuilder window plug-in, see “Using the secure PowerBuilder window plug-in”.