PowerBuilder.Application server object


PowerBuilder.Application is an automation server. The OLE client that starts the automation server can be PowerBuilder or some other client that supports automation and automation object types.

Accessing objects by means of the server You can access PowerBuilder objects using automation by:

  1. Connecting an OLEObject (or the equivalent object type in other client applications) to PowerBuilder.Application, which starts PowerBuilder as a server application.

  2. Setting properties of PowerBuilder.Application to specify the PowerBuilder libraries you want to access.

  3. Calling functions that create class user objects (nonvisual) in those libraries and assigning those objects to additional OLEObject variables.

  4. Accessing the properties and functions of the user objects using automation syntax.

Programmable object in the registry PowerBuilder.Application is not a class in the PowerBuilder system object hierarchy. It is a programmable object registered in the Windows registry. To see it in the Browser, click the OLE tab and expand the Programmable Objects category.


Table 20-8: Properties of PowerBuilder.Application






A list of file names separated by semicolons that are the DLLs or PBDs containing the objects you will access in your PowerBuilder.Application session.

All the libraries should have the same executable type, either compiled machine code or Pcode. Setting LibraryList is effective only before you create any object instances. After the first object is instantiated, changes are ignored.



Specifies whether the objects you will instantiate are generated with machine code or Pcode.

Values are:

  • TRUE – (Default) The library was compiled with machine code. The default file name extension is DLL.

  • FALSE – The library was compiled with Pcode. The default file name extension is PBD.

Setting MachineCode is effective only before you create any object instances. After the first object is instantiated, changes are ignored.


Table 20-9: Functions of PowerBuilder.Application


Datatype returned




Creates an instance of a class user object in an OLE server session. An object reference is returned to the client session so that the client can access its properties and functions by means of automation syntax.



Generates a globally unique identifier and puts the string representation of the identifier in a string variable passed by reference.

A network card is required for this function to succeed.



Generates a file that contains instructions for updating the registry with information about a PowerBuilder object that you want to deploy as an independent automation server.



Generates a type library file with browsing information about a PowerBuilder object that you want to deploy as an independent automation server.