To access a method associated with a component in the COM server, the PowerBuilder client connects to the component using its programmatic identifier (ProgID) or its class identifier (CLSID).
You can use a tool such as OLEVIEW or the OLE tab in the PowerBuilder Browser to view the Program ID or CLSID and methods of registered PowerBuilder COM objects.
To establish a connection to the COM server, you need to execute the PowerScript statements required to perform these operations:
Declare a variable of type OLEObject and use the Create statement to instantiate it.
Connect to the object using its Program ID or CLSID.
Check that the connection was established.
Example The following script instantiates the EmpObj OLEObject object, connects to the PowerBuilder COM object PBcom.Employee, and checks for errors:
OLEObject EmpObj Integer li_rc EmpObj = CREATE OLEObject li_rc = EmpObj.ConnectToNewObject("PBcom.employee") IF li_rc < 0 THEN DESTROY EmpObj MessageBox("Connecting to COM Object Failed", & "Error: " + String(li_rc)) Return END IF