ORB properties

When you connect to EAServer using either the Connection object or the JaguarORB object, you are using the EAServer C++ client ORB. You can set its properties in the Options string of the Connection object or using JaguarORB’s Init function. These are the ORB properties that apply specifically to secure connections:

The meaning of each of these properties is the same as that of the corresponding SSL property, but the value affects only the connection that is being established and not the entire session. Set ORBqop to sybpks_none to prevent any use of SSL on a connection. This setting is useful if you have set the QOP globally for all ORBs using the SSLServiceProvider object, and you want to override the QOP for a single connection.

For a complete list of ORB properties, see the Help for the Connection object.

This example sets the ORBqop property to sybpks_simple and specifies a log file:

myconnect.options = "ORBqop='sybpks_simple', " &
   + "ORBLogFile='C:\tmp\log.txt'"