In InfoMaker, you can create a new table in any database to which InfoMaker is connected.
To create a table in the current database:
Do one of the following:
Click the Create Table button.
Right-click in the Columns view and select New Table from the pop-up menu.
Right-click Tables in the Objects view and select New Table from the pop-up menu.
Select Insert>Table from the Object menu.
The new table template displays in the Columns view. What you see in the view is DBMS-dependent.You use this template to specify each column in the table. The insertion point is in the Column Name box for the first column.
Enter the required information for this column.
For what to enter in each field, see “Specifying column definitions”.
As you enter information, use the Tab key to move from place to place in the column definition. After defining the last item in the column definition, press the Tab key to display the work area for the next column.
Repeat step 2 for each additional column in your table.
(Optional) Select Object>Pending SQL from the menu bar or select Pending SQL from the pop-up menu to see the pending SQL syntax.
If you have not already named the table, you must provide a name in the dialog box that displays. To hide the SQL syntax and return to the table columns, select Object>Pending Syntax from the menu bar.
Click the Save button or select Save from the File or pop-up menu, then enter a name for the table in the Create New Table dialog box.
InfoMaker submits the pending SQL syntax statements it generated to the DBMS, and the table is created. The new table is displayed in the Object Layout view.
About saving the table
If you make changes after you save the table and before you
close it, you see the pending changes when you select Pending SQL again. When you click Save again, InfoMaker submits
a DROP TABLE statement to the DBMS, recreates
the table, and applies all changes that are pending. Clicking Save
many times can be time consuming when you are working with large
tables, so you might want to save only when you have finished.
Specify extended attributes for the columns.
For what to enter in each field, see “Specifying column extended attributes”.