Accessing and deleting forms

StepsTo access a form:

  1. Click the Open button in the PowerBar.

    The Open dialog box displays:

    Shown is the Open dialog box. . At top is an Object field with the entry customer _ details, which also is highlighted in a scrollable list of objects displayed just below. Next is a Comments field, then a display area labeled Library showing the selected Library, and a drop down list box labeled Object Type with the word Forms displayed.
  2. If necessary, select Forms in the Object Type box.

  3. Highlight the form you want in the list and click OK.

  4. The form displays in Layout view in the Form painter. You can work on the design of the form there.

    For more information, see Chapter 20, “Enhancing Forms”.

  5. Click the Run button to run the form.

    When you run a form, InfoMaker retrieves data from the database and displays the form so that you can view and change information in the database. For more information, see “Running forms”.

StepsTo delete a form:

  1. Use the Library painter

    For more information, see “Copying, moving, and deleting objects”.