Specifying sorting criteria

In the grid at the bottom of the Quick Select dialog box, you can specify if you want the retrieved rows to be sorted. As you specify sorting criteria, InfoMaker builds an ORDER BY clause for the SELECT statement.

StepsTo sort retrieved rows on a column:

  1. Click in the Sort row for the column you want to sort on.

    InfoMaker displays a drop-down list:

    The sample shows the grid from the bottom of the Quick Select dialog box. At left are four labels for the rows of the grid. They are column, sort, criteria, or. In the column row, three column names display. The middle one, Dept I D, has been clicked, so beneath it is displayed a drop down list that lets you specify whether the retrieved rows should be sorted in Ascending or Descending order, or remain unsorted.
  2. Select the sorting order for the rows: Ascending or Descending.

Multilevel sorts

You can specify as many columns for sorting as you want. InfoMaker processes the sorting criteria left to right in the grid: the first column with Ascending or Descending specified becomes the highest level sorting column, the next column with Ascending or Descending specified becomes the next level sorting column, and so on.

If you want to do a multilevel sort that does not match the column order in the grid, drag the columns to the correct order and then specify the columns for sorting.