

Setting for the background color of a control.

In the painter

Background Color on the General page or Font page in the Properties view.


A number that specifies the control's background color.

For information on specifying colors, see “Specifying colors”.

The background color of a line is the color that displays between the segments of the line when the pen style is not solid.

If Background.Mode is transparent (1), Background.Color is ignored.


The following statement specifies that if the person represented by the current row uses the day care benefit, the background color of the control is set to light gray (15790320). If not, the background color is set to white (16777215):

If(bene_day_care = 'Y', 15790320, 16777215)

In this example, the condition is applied to the Background.Color property for three controls: the emp_id column, the emp_fname column, and the emp_lname column.

The following is a portion of the resulting report. Notice that the employee ID, first name, and last name have a gray background if the employee uses the day care benefit:

The sample shows what happens when the condition of using the Day Care benefit is applied to the Background.Color property for three controls: the emp _ i d column, the emp _ f name column, and the emp _ l name column. In the sample DataWindow object, for rows where the Day Care check box is selected, the employee ID, first name, and last name have a dark background.