Starting an application from the command line

You or your users can start an InfoMaker application from a command line (or the Windows Run dialog box) and pass parameters to perform actions on reports, forms, and pipelines.

To start an InfoMaker application, use the following syntax:


Opening an object or creating a new object

You can also add one or more of the following optional parameters to the command line to perform a specific action:



/R reportname

Run the specified report

/RP reportname

Run and print the specified report

/RPC reportname

Run and print the specified report and close the application

/A arg1;arg2;argN

Provides a list of retrieval arguments for a report specified by one of the /R parameters. The arguments must be in the correct order, separated by semi-colons. If a retrieval argument is an array, its argument values must be separated by commas. Decimal arrays are not supported

/F formname

Run the specified form

/FP formname

Run and print the specified form

/FPC formname

Run and print the specified form and close the application

/P pipelinename

Run the specified pipeline

/PC pipelinename

Run the specified pipeline and close the application


This command line opens the Employee application and runs and prints the report called r_employee_list. The report requires two retrieval arguments: a department number and a date:

c:\myapp\emp.exe /RP r_employee_list/A 100;12/01/05

This command line opens the Employee application, runs and prints the form called f_employees_in_department, and closes the application:

c:\myapp\emp.exe /FPC f_employees_in_department

This command line opens the Employee application, runs the p_dailypipe pipeline, and closes the application:

c:\myapp\emp.exe /PC p_daily_pipe