Setting up audit trail management  Setting auditing configuration parameters

Chapter 18: Auditing

Setting up threshold procedures

Before enabling auditing, establish a threshold procedure to automatically switch auditing tables when the current table is full.

The threshold procedure for the audit device segments should:

Changing the current audit table

The current audit table configuration parameter establishes the table where Adaptive Server writes audit rows. As a System Security Officer, you can change the current audit table with sp_configure, using the following syntax, where n is an integer that determines the new current audit table:

sp_configure "current audit table", n 
  [, "with truncate"]

The valid values for n are:

The with truncate option specifies that Adaptive Server should truncate the new table if it is not already empty. If you do not specify this option and the table is not empty, sp_configure fails.

NoteIf Adaptive Server truncates the current audit table and you have not archived the data, the table’s audit records are lost. Archive the audit data before you use the with truncate option.

To execute sp_configure to change the current audit table, you must have the sso_role active. You can write a threshold procedure to automatically change the current audit table.

Archiving the audit table

You can use insert with select to copy the audit data into an existing table having the same columns as the audit tables in sybsecurity.

Be sure that the threshold procedure can successfully copy data into the archive table in another database:

  1. Create the archive database on a separate device from the one containing audit tables in sybsecurity.

  2. Create an archive table with columns identical to those in the sybsecurity audit tables. If such a table does not already exist, you can use select into to create an empty one by having a false condition in the where clause. For example:

    use aud_db
    select *
        into audit_data
        from sybsecurity.dbo.sysaudits_01
        where 1 = 2

    The where condition is always false, so an empty duplicate of sysaudits_01 is created.

    The select into/bulk copy database option must be turned on in the archive database (using sp_dboption) before you can use select into.

The threshold procedure, after using sp_configure to change the audit table, can use insert and select to copy data to the archive table in the archive database. The procedure can execute commands similar to these:

insert aud_db.sso_user.audit_data
select * from sybsecurity.dbo.sysaudits_01

Example threshold procedure for audit segments

This sample threshold procedure assumes that three tables are configured for auditing:

declare @audit_table_number int
** Select the value of the current audit table
select @audit_table_number = scc.value
from master.dbo.syscurconfigs scc, master.dbo.sysconfigures sc
where sc.config=scc.config and  = “current audit table”
** Set the next audit table to be current.
** When the next audit table is specified as 0,
** the value is automatically set to the next one.
exec sp_configure “current audit table”, 0, “with truncate”
** Copy the audit records from the audit table
** that became full into another table.
if @audit_table_number = 1
        insert aud_db.sso_user.sysaudits
            select * from sysaudits_01
        truncate table sysaudits_01
else if @audit_table_number = 2
        insert aud_db.sso_user.sysaudits
            select * from sysaudits_02
        truncate table sysaudits_02

Attaching the threshold procedure to each audit segment

To attach the threshold procedure to each audit table segment, use the sp_addthreshold.

Before executing sp_addthreshold:

Audit tables and their segments

When you install auditing, auditinit displays the name of each audit table and its segment. The segment names are “aud_seg1” for sysaudits_01, “aud_seg2” for sysaudits_02, and so forth. You can find information about the segments in the sybsecurity database if you execute sp_helpsegment with sybsecurity as your current database. One way to find the number of audit tables for your installation is to execute the following SQL commands:

use sybsecurity
select count(*) from sysobjects
    where name like "sysaudit%"

In addition, you can get information about the audit tables and the sybsecurity database by executing the following SQL commands:

sp_helpdb sybsecurity
use sybsecurity
sp_help sysaudits_01
sp_help sysaudits_02

Required roles and permissions

To execute sp_addthreshold, you must be either the Database Owner or a System Administrator. A System Security Officer should be the owner of the sybsecurity database and, therefore, should be able to execute sp_addthreshold. In addition to being able to execute sp_addthreshold, you must have permission to execute all the commands in your threshold procedure. For example, to execute sp_configure for current audit table, the sso_role must be active. When the threshold procedure fires, Adaptive Server attempts to turn on all the roles and permissions that were in effect when you executed sp_addthreshold.

To attach the threshold procedure audit_thresh to three device segments:

use sybsecurity
sp_addthreshold sybsecurity, aud_seg_01, 250, audit_thresh
sp_addthreshold sybsecurity, aud_seg_02, 250, audit_thresh
sp_addthreshold sybsecurity, aud_seg_03, 250, audit_thresh

The sample threshold procedure audit_thresh receives control when fewer than 250 free pages remain in the current audit table.

For more information about adding threshold procedures, see Chapter 15, “Managing Free Space with Thresholds.”

Auditing with the sample threshold procedure in place

After you enable auditing, Adaptive Server writes all audit data to the initial current audit table, sysaudits_01. When sysaudits_01 is within 250 pages of being full, the threshold procedure audit_thresh fires. The procedure switches the current audit table to sysaudits_02, and, immediately, Adaptive Server starts writing new audit records to sysaudits_02. The procedure also copies all audit data from sysaudits_01 to the audit_data archive table in the audit_db database. The rotation of the audit tables continues in this fashion without manual intervention.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Setting auditing configuration parameters

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