Using views and stored procedures as security mechanisms  Using stored procedures as security mechanisms

Chapter 17: Managing User Permissions

Using views as security mechanisms

Through a view, users can query and modify only the data they can see. The rest of the database is neither visible nor accessible.

Permission to access the view must be explicitly granted or revoked, regardless of the permissions on the view’s underlying tables. If the view and underlying tables are owned by the same owner, no permissions need to be given to the underlying tables. Data in an underlying table that is not included in the view is hidden from users who are authorized to access the view but not the underlying table.

By defining different views and selectively granting permissions on them, a user (or any combination of users) can be restricted to different subsets of data. Access can be restricted to:

Let’s say you want to prevent some users from accessing the columns in the titles table that display money and sales amounts. You can create a view of the titles table that omits those columns, and then give all users permission on the view but only the Sales Department permission on the table:

grant all on bookview to public 
grant all on titles to sales 

An equivalent way of setting up these privilege conditions, without using a view, is to use the following statements:

grant all on titles to public 
revoke select, update on titles (price, advance,
from public
grant select, update on titles (price, advance,
to sales 

One possible problem with the second solution is that users not in the sales group who enter the select * from titles command might be surprised to see the message that includes the phrase:

permission denied

Adaptive Server expands the asterisk into a list of all the columns in the titles table, and since permission on some of these columns has been revoked from nonsales users, access to these columns is denied. The error message lists the columns for which the user does not have access.

To see all the columns for which they do have permission, the nonsales users must name them explicitly. For this reason, creating a view and granting the appropriate permissions on it is a better solution.

You can also use views for context-sensitive protection. For example, you can create a view that gives a data entry clerk permission to access only those rows that he or she has added or updated. To do so, add a column to a table in which the user ID of the user entering each row is automatically recorded with a default. You can define this default in the create table statement, like this:

create table testtable
    (empid       int, 
     startdate   datetime,
     username     varchar(30) default user)

Next, define a view that includes all the rows of the table where uid is the current user:

create view context_view 
    select * 
    from testtable 
    where username = user_name()
with check option

The rows retrievable through this view depend on the identity of the person who issues the select command against the view. By adding with check option to the view definition, you make it impossible for any data entry clerk to falsify the information in the username column.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Using stored procedures as security mechanisms

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