dbcc grantees and users in databases  Granting default permissions to system tables and stored procedures

Chapter 17: Managing User Permissions

Permissions on system tables

Permissions for use of the system tables can be controlled by the Database Owner, just like permissions on any other tables. When a database is created, select permission on some system tables is granted to public, and select permission on some system tables is restricted to administrators. For some other tables, a few columns have restricted select permissions for public.

To determine the current permissions for a particular system table, execute:

sp_helprotect system_table_name

For example, to check the permissions of syssrvroles in the master database, execute:

use master
sp_helprotect syssrvroles

The default situation is that no users—including Database Owners—can modify the system tables directly. Instead, the T-SQL commands and the system procedures supplied with Adaptive Server modify the system tables. This helps guarantee integrity.

WARNING! Although Adaptive Server provides a mechanism that allows you to modify system tables, Sybase strongly recommends that you do not do so.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Granting default permissions to system tables and stored procedures

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