Object creation permissions regulate the use of commands that create objects. These permissions can be granted only by a System Administrator or a Database Owner.
The object creation commands are:
create database
create default
create procedure
create rule
create table
create view
The syntax for object creation permissions differs slightly from the syntax for object access permissions. The syntax for grant is:
grant {all [privileges] | command_list} to {public | name_list | role_name}
The syntax for revoke is:
revoke {all [privileges] | command_list} from {public | name_list | role_name}
all or all privileges – can be used only by a System Administrator or the Database Owner. When used by a System Administrator in the master database, grant all assigns all create permissions, including create database. If the System Administrator executes grant all from another database, all create permissions are granted except create database. When the Database Owner uses grant all, Adaptive Server grants all create permissions except create database, and prints an informational message.
command_list – is the object creation permissions that you are granting or revoking. Separate commands with commas. The list can include create database, create default, create procedure, create rule, create table, and create view. create database permission can be granted only by a System Administrator, and only from within the master database.
public – is all users except the Database Owner (who “owns” object creation permissions within the database).
name_list – is a list of user or group names, separated by commas.
role_name – is the name of an Adaptive Server system or user-defined role. You can create and define a hierarchy of user-defined roles and grant them privileges based on the specific role granted.
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