Configuring LDAP  Failover support

Chapter 16: External Authentication

LDAP administration

Use sp_ldapadmin to create and maintain LDAP URL search strings and administrative access account information. You must have the SSO role to execute sp_ldapadmin. The syntax is:

sp_ldapadmin { 
set_primary_url, 'ldapurl' |
set_secondary_url, { 'ldapurl' | null } |
set_access_acct, account_distinguished_name,
account_password |
set_dn_lookup_url, ldapurl |
list_urls | 
list_access_acct |
check_url, 'ldapurl' |
check_login, 'login_name' }

See the Reference Manual: Commands for more information about sp_ldapadmin.

Composed DN examples

You can use a composed DN algorithm for user authentication if you use a simple LDAP server topology and schema. If you use commercially available schemas (for example, iPlanet Directory Servers or OpenLDAP Directory Servers), users are created as objects in the same container in the LDAP server tree, and Adaptive Server determines the user’s DN from the object’s location. However, there are restrictions on the LDAP server’s schema:

iPlanet example

LDAP vendors may use different object names, schema, and attributes than those used in these examples. There are many possible LDAP URL search strings, and valid sites may also extend schemas locally or use them in ways different from each other:

Searched DN examples

Use the searched DN to use an Active Directory server or other LDAP server environment that does not meet the restrictions to use the composed DN algorithm.

On Windows 2000, the short name is typically referred to as the “User Logon Name” and is given the attribute name samaccountname in the default schema. This is the attribute name used to match the Adaptive Server login name. The DN for a user contains a full name with punctuation and embedded spaces (for example, cn=John Q. Public, cn=Users, dc=mycomany, dc=com. The DN on Windows does not use the short name, so the searched DN algorithm is appropriate for sites using the Active Directory schema (the default) for their LDAP server. The primary URL does not specify a search. Instead, it relies on the bind operation for the authentication.

Examples using search filters to restrict Adaptive Server access

You can use LDAP URL search strings to restrict access to groups of users on LDAP servers. For example, to restrict logins to users in an accounting group, use a compound filter to restrict access to the group of users where attribute group=accounting.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Failover support

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