After you configure the License Use Monitor, the housekeeper task determines how many user licenses are in use, based on the user ID and the host name of each user logged in to Adaptive Server. When the housekeeper task checks licenses, the License Use Monitor updates a variable that tracks the maximum number of user licenses in use:
If the number of licenses in use is the same or has decreased since the previous housekeeper run, the License Use Monitor does nothing.
If the number of licenses in use has increased since the previous housekeeper run, the License Use Monitor sets this number as the maximum number of licenses in use.
If the number of licenses in use is greater than the number allowed by the license agreement, the License Use Monitor issues message to the error log:
Exceeded license usage limit. Contact Sybase Sales for additional licenses.
The housekeeper chores task runs during Adaptive Server’s idle cycles. The housekeeper monitors the number of user licenses only if the license information configuration parameter is set to 1 or greater.
For more information about the housekeeper chores task, see Chapter 4, Using ENgines and CPUs,” in the Performance and Tuning Guide:Basics.
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