Setting up default activation at login  Dropping users, groups, and user-defined roles

Chapter 14: Managing Adaptive Server Logins, Database Users, and Client Connections

Activating and deactivating roles

Roles must be active to have the access privileges of each role. Depending on the default set for a role, the role may or may not be active at login. If the role has a password, it is always inactive at login.

To activate or deactivate a role:

set role role_name [on|off]

To activate or deactivate a role that has an attached password, use:

set role role_name with passwd "password" [on|off]

For example, to activate the “financial_analyst” role with the password “sailing19”, enter:

set role financial_analyst with passwd "sailing19" on

Activate roles only when you need them, and turn them off when you no longer need them. For example, when the sa_role is active, you assume the identity of Database Owner within any database that you use. To turn off the System Administrator role and assume your “real” user identity, use:

set role sa_role off

If you are granted a role during a session, and you want to activate it immediately, use set role to turn it on.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. Dropping users, groups, and user-defined roles

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