Using directio to bypass operating system buffer  Getting information about devices

Chapter 7: Initializing Database Devices

Other optional parameters for disk init

vstart is the starting virtual address, or the offset, for Adaptive Server to begin using the database device. vstart accepts the following optional unit specifiers: k or K (kilobytes), m or M (megabytes), g or G (gigabytes) and t or T(terabytes). The size of the offset depends on how you enter the value for vstart:

The default value (and usually the preferred value) of vstart is 0. If the specified device does not have the sum of vstart + size blocks available, the disk init command fails.

The optional cntrltype keyword specifies the disk controller. Its default value is 0. Reset it only if instructed to do so by your system administrator.

NoteTo perform disk initialization, the user who started Adaptive Server must have the appropriate operating system permissions on the device that is being initialized.

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