number of devices  number of dump threads

Chapter 5: Setting Configuration Parameters

number of dtx participants

Summary information

Default value


Valid values

100 – 2147483647



Display level


Required role

System Administrator

Configuration groups

DTM Administration, Memory Use

number of dtx participants sets the total number of remote transactions that the Adaptive Server transaction coordination service can propagate and coordinate at one time. A DTX participant is an internal memory structure that the coordination service uses to manage a remote transaction branch. As transactions are propagated to remote servers, the coordination service must obtain new DTX participants to manage those branches.

By default, Adaptive Server can coordinate 500 remote transactions. Setting number of dtx participants to a smaller number reduces the number of remote transactions that the server can manage. If no DTX participants are available, new distributed transactions cannot start. In-progress distributed transactions may abort if no DTX participants are available to propagate a new remote transaction.

Setting number of dtx participants to a larger number increases the number of remote transaction branches that Adaptive Server can handle, but also consumes more memory.

Optimizing the number of dtx participants for your system

During a peak period, use sp_monitorconfig to examine the use of DTX participants:

sp_monitorconfig "number of dtx participants"
Usage information at date and time: Apr 22 2002  2:49PM.
Name             num_free num_active   pct_act    Max_Used   Reused
--------------   -------- ----------  ---------   --------   ------
number of dtx          80         20      4.00         210     NA

If the num_free value is zero or very low, new distributed transactions may be unable to start due to a lack of DTX participants. Consider increasing the number of dtx participants value.

If the Max_used value is too low, unused DTX participants may be consuming memory that could be used by other server functions. Consider reducing the value of number of dtx participants.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. number of dump threads

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