default character set id  default exp_row_size percent

Chapter 5: Setting Configuration Parameters

default database size

Summary information

Default value


Range of values

2a –10000a. Minimum determined by server’s logical page size.



Display level


Required role

System Administrator

Configuration group

SQL Server Administration

default database size sets the default number of megabytes allocated to a new user database if the create database statement is issued without any size parameters. A database size given in a create database statement takes precedence over the value set by this configuration parameter.

If most of the new databases on your Adaptive Server require more than one logical page size, you may want to increase the default.

NoteIf you alter the model database, you must also increase the default database size, because the create database command copies model to create a new user database.

Copyright © 2005. Sybase Inc. All rights reserved. default exp_row_size percent

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