Orchestrator Design Perspective Views

The following table describes some of the most-used Orchestrator Design Perspective views.



Orchestration Navigator

A hierarchical view of resources. You can select a resource in this view to open it in its editor, which provides the tools to edit the resource.


A list of warnings, errors, or log problems that is generated during a business process build. You can also add items to this list yourself, for example, a reminder. You can associate a manually-added task to a specific resource. When you click a task concerning a property, the Properties sheet that needs to be updated is opened.


Names and values for the selected resource are displayed and resource properties can be added and edited from this view.  The Ancillary Activities section of Properties allows you to set up probes that monitor data throughout the life cycle of a business process. You can also use this section set up to write to a file or a log and to print to a console.  Changes made on a properties sheet are instantly saved.


The results of a search. 

Tool Palette

A collection of activities and operators associated with the selected editor. Some editors have multiple tool palettes

Editor Overview

Displays information only when you are in the Business Process editor. It then shows the entire canvas. You cannot edit the process from this view, it is read-only.


Dependencies displays the name of the resource currently selected in the Orchestration Navigator and two folders: Used by and Uses. The Used By folder contains a list of the resources that use the selected resource. The Uses folder contains a list of the resources used by the selected resource and shows what they are used in. For example, if Rule A is the selected resource, the Used By folder would display the business processes that use Rule A. and the Uses folder would display the maps Rule A uses.

This list is per project; it does not go across projects.

Business Process Context Browser

A list of user-defined and auto-generated context variables.


A tree view of the structural elements of the resource that is currently open in the editor.