sp_unbindrule includes the accessrule parameter for unbinding an access rule. The full syntax for sp_unbindrule is:
sp_unbindrule objname [, futureonly [, “accessrule” | “all”]]
Where accessrule indicates that you are unbinding the access rule bound to objname, and all specifies that you are unbinding all rules bound to objname.
For example, this access rule is bound to the publishers table:
sp_bindrule empl_access, "publishers.pub_id"
To unbind this rule, issue the following:
sp_unbindrule "empl_access", NULL, "accessrule"
You can use the all parameter to unbind both accesss rules and domain rules. For example, to unbind all the access rules and domain rules on the publishers table:
sp_unbindrule publishers, null, "all"
To unbind the access rule from a user-defined datatype for subsequent uses of this datatype, issue:
sp_unbindrule def_ssn, futureonly, "accessrule"
To unbind both access rules and domain rules for subsequent uses of this datatype, issue:
sp_unbindrule def_ssn, futureonly, "all"