This section lists the Sybase components that are compatible with Adaptive Server Enterprise version 12.5. For information about operating system requirements, see individual component documentation.
The following components have been tested for compatibility with Adaptive Server 12.5:
Sybase Character Sets 3.0
Sybase Central viewer 3.2
DirectConnect™ Anywhere 11.7
DirectConnect for Informix 11.7
DirectConnect for MVS 11.7
DirectConnect for Oracle 12.0
OpenSwitch 12.0
jConnect for JDBC 4.5
jConnect for JDBC 5.5
Open Client/Open Server™ 12.5
Open ServerConnect™ (CICS, IMS/MVS) 4.0
Open ClientConnect™ (CICS, IMS/MVS) 4.0
ODBC Driver for Adaptive Server 12.5
OLE DB Provider for Adaptive Server 12.5
InfoMaker 7.0.3
Replication Server® 11.5.1, 12.0
Security Guardian™ 11.1.1
SQL Remote 6.0.2
Physical Architect 8.0
XA-Library for CICS/ENCINA 11.1.1
XA-Server for Tuxedo 11.1.1
Backup Server 12.5 has been tested compatible with Backup
Server and 12.0. Either server can be local or remote.
Backup Server 12.5 is compatible with versions of Backup Server
earlier than only if the Backup Server
12.5 is the remote server.
Replication Server version 12.1 does not currently support the following Adaptive Server version 12.5 features:
Does not replicate extended data such as wide rows or wide columns, without truncating it.
Does not replicate Unicode data.
Does not use SSL when connecting to Adaptive Server, although Replication Server can still replicate data from and to an Adaptive Server that uses SSL.
Does not use an LDAP server to retrieve server information, but instead relies on traditional interfaces files for this information. Replication Server can, however, still replicate data from and to an Adaptive Server that uses an LDAP server for this purpose.
Direct Connect and OpenSwitch do not currently support the following Adaptive Server version 12.5 features:
Extended limits, such as wide rows and wide columns