Upgrade Full-Text Search from version 12.0:
Shut down all servers and install Adaptive Server version 12.5 and Full-Text Search 12.5.
Enter a valid license for Enhanced Full-Text Search 12.5 (ASE_EFTS).
Upgrade the Adaptive Serve following instructions in the Installation Guide for your platform.
Copy the Full-Text Search configuration file (textserver_name.cfg) from the old location to the new $SYBASE, if applicable. You can skip this step if you have installed Enhanced Full-Text Search over the old location.
Set the path to the old collections directory using the configuration file parameter collDir.
Re-run the following installation scripts as outlined in the configuration section of the Full-Text Search Specialty Data Store User’s Guide:
Start the Adaptive Server and run sp_text_online as described in the Full-Text Search Specialty Data Store User’s Guide.