This section lists and describes all of the columns in each of the extended attribute system tables.
Not all columns apply to PocketBuilder applications
Some of these columns contain information that does not apply
to PocketBuilder. The columns were assigned originally for PowerBuilder applications.
Column |
Column name |
Description |
1 |
pbt_tnam |
Table name |
2 |
pbt_tid |
Adaptive Server Enterprise Object ID of table (used for Adaptive Server Enterprise only) |
3 |
pbt_ownr |
Table owner |
4 |
pbd_fhgt |
Data font height, PowerBuilder units |
5 |
pbd_fwgt |
Data font stroke weight (400=Normal, 700=Bold) |
6 |
pbd_fitl |
Data font Italic (Y=Yes, N=No) |
7 |
pbd_funl |
Data font Underline (Y=Yes, N=No) |
8 |
pbd_fchr |
Data font character set (0=ANSI, 2=Symbol, 255=OEM) |
9 |
pbd_fptc |
Data font pitch and family (see note) |
10 |
pbd_ffce |
Data font typeface |
11 |
pbh_fhgt |
Headings font height, PowerBuilder units |
12 |
pbh_fwgt |
Headings font stroke weight (400=Normal, 700=Bold) |
13 |
pbh_fitl |
Headings font Italic (Y=Yes, N=No) |
14 |
pbh_funl |
Headings font Underline (Y=Yes, N=No) |
15 |
pbh_fchr |
Headings font character set (0=ANSI, 2=Symbol, 255=OEM) |
16 |
pbh_fptc |
Headings font pitch and family (see note) |
17 |
pbh_ffce |
Headings font typeface |
18 |
pbl_fhgt |
Labels font height, PowerBuilder units |
19 |
pbl_fwgt |
Labels font stroke weight (400=Normal, 700=Bold) |
20 |
pbl_fitl |
Labels font Italic (Y=Yes, N=No) |
21 |
pbl_funl |
Labels font Underline (Y=Yes, N=No) |
22 |
pbl_fchr |
Labels font character set (0=ANSI, 2=Symbol, 255=OEM) |
23 |
pbl_fptc |
Labels font pitch and family (see note) |
24 |
pbl_ffce |
Labels font typeface |
25 |
pbt_cmnt |
Table comments |
About font pitch and family
Font pitch and family is a number obtained by adding together
two constants:
Pitch: 0=Default, 1=Fixed, 2=Variable
Family: 0=No Preference, 16=Roman, 32=Swiss, 48=Modern, 64=Script, 80=Decorative
Column |
Column name |
Description |
1 |
pbc_tnam |
Table name |
2 |
pbc_tid |
Adaptive Server Enterprise Object ID of table (used for Adaptive Server Enterprise only) |
3 |
pbc_ownr |
Table owner |
4 |
pbc_cnam |
Column name |
5 |
pbc_cid |
Adaptive Server Enterprise Column ID (used for Adaptive Server Enterprise only) |
6 |
pbc_labl |
Label |
7 |
pbc_lpos |
Label position (23=Left, 24=Right) |
8 |
pbc_hdr |
Heading |
9 |
pbc_hpos |
Heading position (23=Left, 24=Right, 25=Center) |
10 |
pbc_jtfy |
Justification (23=Left, 24=Right) |
11 |
pbc_mask |
Display format name |
12 |
pbc_case |
Case (26=Actual, 27=UPPER, 28=lower) |
13 |
pbc_hght |
Column height, PowerBuilder units |
14 |
pbc_wdth |
Column width, PowerBuilder units |
15 |
pbc_ptrn |
Validation rule name |
16 |
pbc_bmap |
Bitmap/picture (Y=Yes, N=No) |
17 |
pbc_init |
Initial value |
18 |
pbc_cmnt |
Column comments |
19 |
pbc_edit |
Edit style name |
20 |
pbc_tag |
(Reserved) |
Column |
Column name |
Description |
1 |
pbf_name |
Display format name |
2 |
pbf_frmt |
Display format |
3 |
pbf_type |
Data type to which format applies |
4 |
pbf_cntr |
Concurrent-usage flag |
Column |
Column name |
Description |
1 |
pbv_name |
Validation rule name |
2 |
pbv_vald |
Validation rule |
3 |
pbv_type |
Data type to which validation rule applies |
4 |
pbv_cntr |
Concurrent-usage flag |
5 |
pbv_msg |
Validation error message |
Column |
Column name |
Description |
1 |
pbe_name |
Edit style name |
2 |
pbe_edit |
Format string (edit style type dependent; see “Edit style types for the PBCatEdt table”) |
3 |
pbe_type |
Edit style type |
4 |
pbe_cntr |
Revision counter (increments each time edit style is altered) |
5 |
pbe_seqn |
Row sequence number for edit types requiring more than one row in PBCatEdt table |
6 |
pbe_flag |
Edit style flag (edit style type dependent) |
7 |
pbe_work |
Extra field (edit style type dependent) |