Using the BuildModel function to build a call graph model

The call graph model that you create with the BuildModel function contains all the routines in the trace file and can take a long time to build. If you want to monitor the progress of the build or you want to be able to interrupt it while the model is being built, you can pass optional arguments to BuildModel.

BuildModel arguments

BuildModel takes three arguments: the name of an object of type PowerObject, the name of a user event, and a long value representing how often the user event should be triggered as a percentage of the build completed.

The user event returns a boolean value and has two arguments: the number of the current activity, and the total number of activities in the trace file.

Destroying existing models

Before you call BuildModel, you can call DestroyModel to clean up any objects remaining from an existing model.

Example: building a call graph model

In the following example, the user event argument to BuildModel is called ue_progress and is triggered each time five percent of the activities have been processed. The progress of the build is shown in a window called w_progress that has a cancel button.

Profiling lpro_model
lpro_model = CREATE Profiling
ib_cancel = FALSE
lpro_model.SetTraceFileName(is_fileName )

// call the of_init window function to initialize
// the w_progress window
w_progress.of_init(lpro_model.numberofactivities, &
   'Building Model', this, 'ue_cancel')

// Build the call graph model
lpro_model.BuildModel(this, 'ue_progress', 5)

// clicking the cancel button in w_progress
// sets ib_cancel to TRUE and
// returns FALSE to ue_progress
IF ib_cancel THEN &
   RETURN -1