Use the options in the Debug menu to start, control and exit a debug session.
You can follow the debug process as the command being
executed is highlighted in yellow.
Select Debug from the main menu to display options for running the debug session in different modes. You can also click the buttons for each option from the main ECMAP Debugger window menu:
Step by Step – the debug process pauses at every command or breakpoint it encounters even if no breakpoint has been set at a command. Continue to click the Step by Step option to advance the debug process to the next command or breakpoint until the map run is completed. You can also press Ctrl+T to perform a Step by Step debug session.
Step Over – the debug process skips the next breakpoint or command and pauses at the following breakpoint that it encounters. If no breakpoint is encountered, the debug process runs to map completion. You can also press Ctrl+O to perform a Step Over debug session.
To Cursor – the debug process runs and pauses at any command you highlight. It pauses at any breakpoints it encounters that occur before the highlighted command. You can also press Ctrl+R to perform a To Cursor debug session.
To the End – the debug process runs to the end of the map without pausing at any command or breakpoint. You can also press Ctrl+D to perform a To the End debug session.
Stop Debugging – stops maps execution, which stops the debug process.
ECMAP Debugger provides flexibility in how you want
to run and control debug sessions:
You can choose to change the debug run mode whenever control is returned during a debug session.
You can choose to set and clear breakpoints when control is returned to you during a debug session.