Obtaining the map command line switches

Before you start the debug session, you must provide the map switches used by the map you want to debug. The map switches are the command line arguments that get passed to ECRTP during a map run. You can get these map switches from ECMAP by creating a batch file after you have set the switches in the Run Inbound Map or Run Outbound Map window in ECMAP.

StepsObtaining map switches

  1. In the ECMAP Run Inbound Map or Run Outbound Map window, select all the options you want to run with the map.

  2. In the Run Inbound Map or Run Outbound Map window, select the Option 2 tab.

  3. Select the Create Batch Command File button.

  4. In the Batch File Name window, enter the full path and file name where the batch command file is to be saved.

  5. Click OK to create the batch file. The batch file includes remarks and the runmap executable followed by the switches that correspond to the options selected on the tabs of the Run Inbound Map or Run Outbound Map window.