The normal inbound run uses this syntax with these parameters:
mapinrun full-path EDI input filename -dt full-path trading partner directory -dg full-path map directory
When the trading partner and the map directory are the same, the command line can be shortened by using the –dm directory in their place, as shown below:
mapinrun full-path EDI input filename -dm full-path trading partner and map directory
full-path EDI input filename – this parameter is required for an inbound run and must be first in order.
The three other required parameters do not have to be in any specific order, but they must be preceded by the appropriate “-letters” flag.
-dt directory – specifies the directory that contains trading partner information.
-dg directory – specifies the directory that contains the generated files which are the map files, cross reference tables, and log files.
When the trading partner directory and the map directory are the same, the -dm switch can be used in place of both the –dt and –dg switches.
-dm directory – specifies the directory that contains trading partner information and generated files; map files, cross-reference tables, and log files.