The normal outbound run has the syntax with these parameters:
rmapout full-path EDI output filename map transaction/message code -t transaction/message -dt full-path trading partner directory -dg full-path map directory
The first three parameters are always required and must be in the following order:
full-path EDI output filename
The next three required parameters do not have to be in any specific order, but they must be preceded by the appropriate “-letters” flag.
-t transaction – specifies the code of the EDI transaction or message being mapped.
-dt directory – specifies the directory that contains trading partner information.
-dg directory – specifies the directory that contains the generated files—map files, cross-reference tables, and log files.
When the trading partner directory and the map directory are the same, the -dm switch can be used in place of both the -dt and -dg switches:
rmapout full-path EDI output filename map transaction/message code -t transaction/message -dm full-path trading partner and map directory
-dm directory – specifies the directory that contains trading partner information and generated files; map files, cross-reference tables, and log files.