The EDI-to-EDI Run Switches command allows you to set the outbound run switches associated with the outbound EDI transactions. This is an optional command.
You can turn switches on and off throughout a map run. For example, you can enable a switch for a short period of the map run and then turn it off when the switch is not required.
Select EDI-to-EDI Run Switches from the Rule Command - New window. In the Parameters section, select the variables for each of the parameters of the EDI-to-EDI Run Switches command by clicking the up arrow to the right of each Parameter text box and selecting one of the options in the menu that displays. This command has these parameters:
Select Switch – parameter options are:
Company Override – allows you to override the location of the company directory. This is the same as the Substitute Company Directory option when you want to run outbound maps.
When you select Company Override, the Enter Override Value parameter field is enabled for you to provide a value for the substitute company directory using a variable or constant. See the Enter Override Value parameter description for more information. If you are running ECRTP with a non-ODBC trading partner, use the switch to set a substitute directory.
Changing the Company Override field does not take effect
until the next lookup occurs.
Control Number Override – allows you to override the default value from ECRTP and disable control number lookups and updates in the trading partner database during outbound map runs. The value for control number is used for the outbound ISA.
When you select this option, the Enter Override Value parameter field is enabled for you to provide a control number value using a variable or constant. See the Enter Override Value parameter description for more information.
See “Controlling updates and lookups for control numbers [EBF 4.2.4]” for information on the properties for the control number.
If you use the Control Number Override, you cannot turn
it off during a map run as the On/Off option is disabled.
If you change the Control Number Override field, it does not take
effect until the next time you map the interchange.
Ignore Trade Agreement Mailbox – when you select this option, ECRTP ignores trading agreement mailbox information.
Ignore Trade Partner Mailbox – when you select this option, ECRTP ignores trading partner mailbox information.
Map Numeric Zero – allows you write a zero to a numeric field.
No UNG, UNE Segments – when you select this option, no UNG or UNE segments are written for an EDIFACT message.
Pad EDI – checks that all data written to the EDI file meets the minimum length requirements of the element.
Route EDI : In – routes the outbound file to the IN mailbox.
Route EDI : Out – routes the outbound file to the OUT mailbox.
Route EDI : Good – routes the outbound file to the GOOD mailbox.
Route EDI : Bad – routes the outbound file to the BAD mailbox.
Route EDI : Other – routes the outbound file to the OTHER mailbox.
Enter Override Value – enabled when Company Override or Control Number Override options are selected in the Select Switch parameter field. You must use one of the following four options to provide the substitute value when Company Override or Control Number Override are selected:
Memory Variable – the Memory Variables window displays next to the Rule Command window. Double-click a memory variable to automatically enter it in the Enter Override Value text box.
Record/Field – the Records/Tables window displays next to the Rule Command window. Double-click a field to automatically enter it in the Enter Override Value text box.
System Variable – the System Variables window displays next to the Rule Command window. Double-click a system variable to automatically enter it in the Enter Override Value text box.
Constant – enter a value in the text box on the Constant Value window that displays and select OK. The value is entered in the Enter Override Value text box.
On/Off – allows you to enable and disable the switch you selected for the Select Switch parameter, any time in the map run.
If you use the Control Number Override, you cannot turn
it off during a map run as the On/Off option is disabled.
Transaction – select this parameter to associate with this command either a specific transaction or all the transactions:
Select a single outbound transaction to associate with the command.
ALL – associate all outbound transactions with the command. This is the default.