The Map Level command performs at one time all of the rules and mapping associated with the segments in a specified level. The Map Level command is enabled for inbound EDI-to-EDI mapping only.
Assign a level to one or more segments that you want to have process as a unit. This saves you from having to perform a write rule for each EDI element.
When you execute Map Level, all the segments and elements you associated with the specified level are mapped and any rule associated with an element is performed.
You can use the same level for a single output transaction or multiple output transactions.
Select Map Level from the Rule Command - New window. In the Parameters section, select the variables for each of the parameters of the Map Level command by clicking the up arrow to the right of each Parameter text box and selecting one of the options in the menu that displays. This command has these parameters:
Level – the Levels window displays next to the Rule Command window. Double-click a level to automatically enter it in the Map Level text box.
If you have not yet created the level, you can do so on the Levels window by choosing New from the File menu. See “Adding, modifying and deleting levels,” in Chapter 15 “Creating a Map Flow” in the ECMAP User Guide.
Transaction – select this parameter to associate with this command either a specific transaction or all the transactions:
Select a single outbound transaction to associate with the command.
ALL – associate all outbound transactions with the command. This is the default.