If the project does not build correctly, you might need to turn off precompiled headers in the project’s Property Pages dialog box and set the path for the PBNI include files.
To set project options for PBNI library and include
In Visual Studio, select Tools>Options.
Select Projects and Solutions>VC++ Directories.
Select Include Files from the Show Directories For drop-down list and click the New icon. Then click the browse button, browse to the location of the PowerBuilder 11.5\SDK\PBNI\include directory, and click OK.
Click OK to close the Options dialog box.
By default, the project is compiled for Unicode character sets. You can change this setting in the wizard. If you want to change it to compile for ASCII (SBCS) character sets after you have created the project, you can remove the _UNICODE preprocessor option.
To compile for ASCII character sets:
Select Project>ProjectName Properties.
Expand C/C++ and select Preprocessor.
Edit the Preprocessor Definitions to remove _UNICODE and UNICODE.