Defining a computed field

StepsTo add a computed field to a form:

  1. Click the Compute button in the Controls drop-down toolbar, or select Insert>Computed Field from the menu bar.

  2. Click where you want the computed field.

    The computed properties of the field display in the Properties view:

    Shown is the General tab page of the Properties view with drop down list boxes for Alignment, which is blank, and Border, with the value No Border ( 0 ). At bottom is a scrollable display area labeled Compute Expression.
  3. Do one of the following:

About the Modify Expression dialog box

The Modify Expression dialog box provides you with lists and buttons to help you create the computed field:

The sample shows the Modify Expression dialog box. At top is a scrollable input area labeled Expression. At bottom left are buttons with the symbols for addition, subtraction, equals, and division, and right and left parentheses. Next are a scrollable display of Functions such as abs ( x ) and asc ( s ) and a scrollable display of Columns showing column names such as employee _ street and employee _ city.

The Modify Expression dialog box contains:

Entering the expression

You can enter any valid expression when defining a computed field. You can paste operators, columns, existing computed fields, retrieval arguments, and functions into the expression from information in the Modify Expression dialog box. You can use the + operator to concatenate strings.

NoteInfoMaker expression The expression you are entering is an InfoMaker expression; it is not a SQL expression processed by the DBMS. The expression follows InfoMaker rules. For complete information about expressions, see Chapter 23, “Operators and Expressions.”


Here are some examples of computed fields:

To display

Enter this expression

Current date

Today( )

Current time

Now( )

Concatenation of Fname and Lname columns for each row

Fname + " " + Lname

Monthly salary if Salary column contains annual salary

Salary / 12

Four asterisks if the value of the Salary column is greater than $50,000

IF(Salary> 50000, "****", "")

Average salary of all retrieved rows


Count of retrieved rows, assuming each row contains a value for EmpID


For more information about the functions you can use in computed fields in the Form painter, see Chapter 24, “DataWindow Expression and InfoMaker Functions” and online Help.