Suppressing repeating values

When you sort on a column, there might be several rows with the same value in one column. You can choose to suppress the repeating values in that column.

When you suppress a repeating value, the value displays at the start of each new page and, if you are using groups, each time a value changes in a higher group.

For example, if you have sorted employees by department ID, you can suppress all but the first occurrence of each department ID in the report:

Shown is a sample of a Data Window with repeating values suppressed.

StepsTo suppress repeating values:

  1. Select Rows>Suppress Repeating Values from the menu bar.

    The Specify Repeating Value Suppression List dialog box displays:

    Shown is the Specify Repeating Value Suppression List dialog box.
  2. Drag the columns whose repeated values you want to suppress from the Source Data box to the Suppression List box, and click OK.

    NoteIf you change your mind You can remove a column from the suppression list simply by dragging it and releasing it outside the Suppression List box.