Adding InkPicture controls to a report

The InkPicture control is designed for use on a Tablet PC and provides the ability to capture ink input from users of Tablet PCs. The control displays signatures, drawings, and other annotations that do not need to be recognized as text.

You use an InkPicture control with a table that has a blob column to store the ink data, and optionally a second blob column to provide a background image.

The InkPicture control behaves like a Picture control that can contain annotation. You can associate a picture with the control to display annotations that have been saved with the picture. If the control contains signatures, you usually do not associate a picture with it.

To add an InkPicture control to a report, select Insert>Control>InkPicture from the menu. A dialog box displays to let you specify a blob column to store the ink data and another to use as a background image. After you specify the columns in the dialog box, the InkPicture control displays in the DataWindow and its Properties view includes a Definition tab page where you can view or change the column definitions.