System requirements for XSL-FO

The Apache XSL Formatting Objects processor (FOP) and the Sun JDK are installed with InfoMaker to support saving as XSL-FO, saving as PDF using XSL-FO, and Java printing. Both are installed in the Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder directory.

When you deploy applications that use XSL-FO or Java printing, your users must have the FOP directory and the Java Runtime Environment installed on their computers. For more information, see “Using the Apache FO processor”.

On Windows DBCS platforms, you also need to install a file that supports DBCS characters to the Windows font directory, for example, C:\WINDOWS\fonts. To use these fonts, the userconfig.xml file in the FOP conf directory must be modified to give the full path name of the files you use, for example:

<font metrics-file="C:\Program%20Files\Sybase\Shared\PowerBuilder\fop-0.20.4\conf\cyberbit.xml" kerning="yes" embed-file="C:\WINNT\Fonts\Cyberbit.ttf">

For more information about configuring fonts, see the Apache Web site.