About rich text

Rich text format (RTF) is a standard for specifying formatting instructions and document content in a single ASCII document. An editor that supports rich text format interprets the formatting instructions and displays formatted content. If you look at rich text in a plain ASCII editor, you see complex instructions that are not very readable. The actual text of the document is obscured by the formatting instructions:

{\par}\pard\ql{\f2\fs18\cf0\up0\dn0 A RichText piece of text}

The same sample displayed without the commands looks like this:

A RichText piece of text

Elements of rich text

Rich text in InfoMaker can have:

You can use toolbars, editing keys, and a pop-up menu to specify formatting. A print preview lets you view a reduced image of the document to see how it fits on the page.

What is not supported

InfoMaker supports version 1.6 of the RTF standard, except for the following features: