Adjusting nested report width and height

When you preview a report with nested reports, the width of the nested report may be unacceptable. This can happen, for example, if you change the design of the nested report or if you use newspaper columns in a nested report. The width of the nested report is not adjusted to fit its contents at runtime; if the report is too narrow, some columns may be truncated. For example, if the size of the nested report is set to 6 inches wide in the parent report, columns in the nested report that exceed that width are not displayed in the parent report.

StepsTo adjust report width:

  1. In the Design view, position the pointer near a vertical edge of the nested report and press the left mouse button.

  2. Drag the edge to widen the nested report.

  3. Check the new width in the Preview view.

When you Print preview a report that contains a nested N-Up report with newspaper columns across the page, you might find that blank pages display (and print) when the nested report in the detail band fills the page. This is because any white space at the bottom of the band is printed to a second page. You can usually solve this problem by dragging up the detail band to eliminate the white space between the nested report and the band, or even to overlap the bottom of the representation of the nested report.