Determines the number of lines in an edit control that allows multiple lines.
DataWindow type |
Method applies to |
PowerBuilder |
DataWindow control |
Web ActiveX |
DataWindow control |
long dwcontrol.LineCount ( )
number dwcontrol.LineCount ( )
Argument |
Description |
dwcontrol |
A reference to a DataWindow control |
Returns the number of lines in dwcontrol if it succeeds and -1 if an error occurs. If dwcontrol is null, LineCount returns null.
LineCount counts each visible line, whether it was the result of wrapping or carriage returns.
When you call LineCount for a DataWindow, it reports the number of lines in the edit control over the current row and column. A user can enter multiple lines in a DataWindow column only if it has a text datatype and its box is large enough to display those lines.
The size of the column’s box determines the number of lines allowed in the column. When the user is typing, lines do not wrap automatically; the user must press enter to type additional lines.
PowerBuilder environment
For use with other PowerBuilder controls, see LineCount in
the PowerScript Reference.
If the MultiLineEdit mle_Instructions has 9 lines, this example sets li_Count to 9:
integer li_Count
li_Count = mle_Instructions.LineCount()
These statements display a MessageBox if fewer than two lines have been entered in the MultiLineEdit mle_Address:
integer li_Lines
li_Lines = mle_Address.LineCount()
IF li_Lines < 2 THEN
MessageBox("Warning", "2 lines are required.")