Obtains the number of a category in a graph when you know the category’s label. The category values label the category axis.
PowerBuilder DataWindow DataWindow control
DataWindow Web ActiveX DataWindow control
integer dwcontrol.FindCategory ( string graphcontrol, date categoryvalue )
integer dwcontrol.FindCategory ( string graphcontrol, datetime categoryvalue )
integer dwcontrol.FindCategory ( string graphcontrol, double categoryvalue )
integer dwcontrol.FindCategory ( string graphcontrol, string categoryvalue )
integer dwcontrol.FindCategory ( string graphcontrol, time categoryvalue )
number dwcontrol.FindCategory ( string graphcontrol, any categoryvalue )
Argument |
Description |
dwcontrol |
A reference to the DataWindow control containing the graph. |
graphcontrol |
A string whose value is the name of the graph in the DataWindow control. |
categoryvalue |
A value that is the category for which you want the number. The value you specify must be the same datatype as the datatype of the category axis. |
Returns the number of the category named in categoryvalue in the graph. If an error occurs, FindCategory returns -1. If any argument’s value is null, FindCategory returns null.
Most of the category manipulation functions require a category number, rather than a name. However, when you delete and insert categories, existing categories are renumbered to keep the numbering consecutive. Use FindCategory when you know only a category’s label or when the numbering might have changed.
These statements obtain the number of the category named Qty in the graph gr_computers in the DataWindow control dw_equipment:
integer CategoryNbr
CategoryNbr = &
dw_equipment.FindCategory("gr_computers", "Qty")