

Saves overlay ink to a file or blob from an InkPicture control.

Applies to

DataWindow type

Method applies to


DataWindow control



integer dwcontrol.SaveInk ( string name, long rownumber, blob blob )

integer dwcontrol.SaveInk ( string name, long rownumber, string filename {, inkpersistenceformat format {, inkcompressionmode mode } } ) 




A reference to a DataWindow control.


The name of the InkPicture control from which you want to save the ink.


The number of the row that contains the ink to be saved.


The name of a blob passed by reference that will hold the ink in the control.


A string containing the name and location of a file that will hold the ink in the control.

format (optional)

A value of the InkPersistenceFormat enumerated variable that specifies the format in which you want to save the ink. Values are:

  • Base64GIFFormat!

  • Base64InkSerializedFormat!

  • GIFFormat!

  • InkSerializedFormat! (default)

mode (optional)

A value of the InkCompressionMode enumerated variable that specifies the compression mode in which you want to save the ink. Values are:

  • DefaultCompression! (default)

  • MaximumCompression!

  • NoCompression!


Integer. Returns 1 for success and -1 for failure.


Use the SaveInk method to save annotations made to an image in an InkPicture control in a DataWindow to a separate file or blob.

When you save ink to a blob, it is saved in Ink Serialized Format (ISF). Saving ink to a blob provides the best performance because the ink is read directly from the ink data cache.

InkSerializedFormat! provides the most compact persistent ink representation. This format can be embedded inside a binary document format or added to the clipboard. Base64InkSerializedFormat! encodes the ISF format as a base64 stream, which allows the ink to be encoded in an XML or HTML file.

GIFFormat! saves the image in a Graphics Interchange Format (GIF) file in which ISF is embedded as metadata. This format can be viewed in applications that are not ink enabled. Base64GIFFormat! is persisted by using a base64 encoded fortified GIF. Use this format if the ink is to be encoded directly in an XML or XHTML file and will be converted to an image at a later time. It supports XSLT transformations to HTML.


Example 1

The following example saves the ink in an InkPicture control in row 3 of a DataWindow object into an ISF file with default compression:

int li_return
string ls_pathname, ls_filename

GetFileSaveName("Save As", ls_pathname, ls_filename, "ISF")
li_return = dw_1.SaveInk("inkpic_1", 3, ls_pathname)

Example 2

The following example saves the ink in an InkPicture control in row 5 of a DataWindow object into a GIF file with maximum compression:

int li_return
string ls_pathname, ls_filename

GetFileSaveName("Save As", ls_pathname, ls_filename, "GIF")
li_return = dw_1.SaveInk("inkpic_1", 5, ls_pathname, GIFFormat!, MaximumCompression!)

Example 3

The following example saves the ink in an InkPicture control in the current row of a DataWindow object into a blob:

int li_return
blob lb_blob

li_return = dw_1.SaveInk("inkpic_1", dw_1.GetRow(), lb_blob)

See also