

Obtains the number of a category in a graph when you know the category’s label.

Applies to

Graph controls in windows and user objects, and graphs in DataWindow controls


controlname.FindCategory ( { graphcontrol, } categoryvalue )




A string whose value is the name of the graph in which you want to find a specific category, or the name of the DataWindow control containing the graph.

graphcontrol (DataWindow control only)

(Optional) A string whose value is the name of the graph in the DataWindow control in which you want to find a specific category.


A value that is the category for which you want the number. The value you specify must be the same datatype as the datatype of the category axis.


Integer. Returns the number of the category named in categoryvalue in the graph controlname, or if controlname is a DataWindow control, in graphcontrol. If an error occurs, FindCategory returns -1. If any argument’s value is null, FindCategory returns null.


Most of the category manipulation functions require a category number, rather than a name. However, when you delete and insert categories, existing categories are renumbered to keep the numbering consecutive. Use FindCategory when you know only a category’s label or when the numbering may have changed.


Example 1

These statements obtain the number of a category in the graph gr_prod_data. The category name is the text in the SingleLineEdit sle_ctory:

integer CtgryNbr

CtgryNbr =gr_prod_data.FindCategory(sle_ctgry.Text)

Example 2

These statements obtain the number of the category named Qty in the graph gr_computers in the DataWindow control dw_equip:

integer CtgryNbr

CtgryNbr = dw_equip.FindCategory("gr_computers", "Qty")

See also