

Builds a string of the specified length by repeating the specified characters until the result string is long enough.


Fill ( chars, n )




A string whose value will be repeated to fill the return string


A long whose value is the length of the string you want returned


String. Returns a string n characters long filled with the characters in the argument chars. If the argument chars has more than n characters, the first n characters of chars are used to fill the return string. If the argument chars has fewer than n characters, the characters in chars are repeated until the return string has n characters. If any argument’s value is null, Fill returns null.


Use Fill in printing routines to create a line or other special effect. For example, you can fill the amount line of a check with asterisks, or simulate a total line in a screen display by repeating hyphens below a column of figures.


Example 1

This statement returns a string whose value is 35 stars:

Fill("*", 35)

Example 2

This statement returns the string -+-+-+-:

Fill("-+", 7)

Example 3

This statement returns 10 tildes (~):

Fill("~", 10)

See also