

Inserts an image at the insertion point in a RichTextEdit control.

Applies to

RichTextEdit controls


rtename.InsertPicture ( filename{, format } )




The name of the RichTextEdit control in which you want to insert an image


A string whose value is the name of the file that contains the image


An integer whose value determines the format in which the image is saved in the RTF file. Values are:

  • 1 – BMP

  • 2 – WMF (default)

  • 3 – PNG

  • 4 – JPG


Integer. Returns 1 if it succeeds. Returns -2 if the compression format of a .tif file is not supported and -1 if a different error occurs. If filename is null, InsertPicture returns null.


If there is a selection, InsertPicture inserts the image at the beginning of the selection. The image and the selection remain selected. The following file types are supported: .bmp, .wmf, .jpeg, .png, and .gif. The .tif file type is also supported if it uses the LZW compression format.


Example 1

This example inserts a PNG file at the insertion point in the RichTextEdit control rte_1. The PNG file will be saved in the RTF file in WMF format:

integer li_rtn

li_rtn = rte_1.InsertPicture("c:\windows\earth.png")

Example 2

This example inserts a JPG file at the insertion point in the RichTextEdit control rte_1. The JPG file will be saved in the RTF file in JPG format:

integer li_rtn

li_rtn = rte_1.InsertPicture("c:\windows\earth.jpg", 4)

See also