Gets the list of available printers.
PrintGetPrinters ( )
String. Each printer is listed in the string in the format printername ~t drivername ~t port ~n.
The return string can be loaded into a DataWindow using ImportString or separated using the ~n as shown in the example.
This example parses printer names from the return string on the PrintGetPrinters call, then places each printer name in an existing SingleLineEdit control. If you have more printers than SingleLineEdit boxes, the last SingleLineEdit contains a string for all the printers that are not listed in the other SingleLineEdits:
singlelineedit sle
long ll_place, i, k
string ls_left, ls_prntrs
ls_prntrs = PrintGetPrinters ( )
k = upperbound(control)
FOR i= k to 1 STEP -1
IF parent.control[i].typeof()=singlelineedit! then
ll_place=pos (ls_prntrs, "~n" )
ls_left = Left (ls_prntrs, ll_place - 1)
sle.text = ls_left
ls_prntrs = Mid (ls_prntrs, ll_place + 1)
sle.text = ls_prntrs
ImportString method for DataWindows in the DataWindow Reference or the online Help