Previewing the DataWindow object

Previewing the DataWindow object lets you see how the OLE object displays the data from the DataWindow object. You can preview in the Preview view or in preview mode

StepsTo preview the DataWindow object with the OLE object in preview mode:

  1. Select File>Run/Preview from the menu bar, or click the Run/Preview button on the PowerBar.

  2. Select Rows>Retrieve from the menu bar.

    The DataWindow object retrieves rows from the database and replaces the initial presentation of the OLE object with an image of the data that the OLE server provides.

  3. If you associated the OLE object with all rows, activate the OLE object by double-clicking on it.

    Although you can edit the presentation or the data in the server, your changes do not affect the DataWindow object’s data.

    NoteYou cannot always activate the OLE object If the OLE object is associated with individual rows in the detail band or with the page, you (and the user) cannot activate it; you can only view it.

  4. Close the preview window.

    Closing the preview window or the Preview view deactivates the OLE object.