Changing a graph's position and size

When you first place a graph in a DataWindow object, it is in the foreground—it sits above the bands in the DataWindow object. Unless you change this setting, the graph displays in front of any retrieved data.

The initial graph is also moveable and resizable, so users have complete flexibility as to the size and location of a graph at runtime. You can change these properties.

StepsTo specify a graph's position and size:

  1. Select Properties from the graph's pop-up menu and then select the Position page or the General page in the Properties viewview.

  2. Select the settings for the following options on the Position property page:

    Table 26-4: Settings on the Position property page for graphs




    Background — The graph displays behind other elements in the DataWindow object.

    Band — The graph displays in one particular band. If you choose this setting, you should resize the band to fit the graph. Often you will want to place a graph in the Footer band. As users scroll through rows in the DataWindow object, the graph remains at the bottom of the screen as part of the footer.

    Foreground — (Default) The graph displays above all other elements in the DataWindow object. Typically, if you choose this setting, you also make the graph movable so it will not obscure data while users display the DataWindow object.


    The graph can be moved in the Preview view and at runtime.


    The graph can be resized in the Preview view and at runtime.

    Slide Left, Slide Up

    The graph slides to the left or up to remove extra white space. For more information, see “Sliding controls to remove blank space in a DataWindow object”.

    X, Y

    The location of the upper-left corner of the graph.

    Width, Height

    The width and height of the graph.

  3. Select the settings for the following options on the General property page:

    Table 26-5: Size and position settings on the General property page



    Size To Display

    The graph fills the DataWindow object and resizes when users resize the DataWindow object. This setting is used with the Graph presentation style.


    Do not repeat graph after the first column in a DataWindow object using newspaper-style columns.