Using the Graph and Crosstab styles

In addition to the (preceding) text-based presentation styles, PowerBuilder provides two styles that allow you to display information graphically: Graph and Crosstab.

There is a graph report in the composite report in “Using the Composite style”. This crosstab report counts the number of employees that fit into each cell. For example, there are three employees in department 100 who make between $30,000 and $39,999:

The sample for the crosstab presentation style is a grid-style report with a column at far left labeled Number of employees by department and salary. This column has a  row for each Salary range. The remaining columns represent departments, and the cells display the number of employees who fit in each salary range. At far right is a column titled Total number of employees making the salary.

For more information about these two presentation styles, see Chapter 26, “Working with Graphs,” and Chapter 27, “Working with Crosstabs.”