Searching targets, libraries, and objects

Global search of targets

You can search a target to locate where a specified text string is used. For example, you could search for:

NoteWorking with targets To see the pop-up menu that lets you perform operations on a target, such as search, build, and migrate, you must set the root of the System Tree or the view in the Library painter to the current workspace.

Searching selected libraries and objects

You can also select a library or one or more PowerBuilder objects to search. The following procedure applies whatever the scope of your search is.

StepsTo search a target, library, or object for a text string:

  1. Select the target, library, or objects you want to search.

    You can select multiple objects in the List view using Shift+Click and Ctrl+Click.

  2. Select Search from the pop-up menu or the PainterBar.

    The Search Library Entries dialog box displays.

    Shown is the Search Library Entries dialog box. At top is a text box labeled Search For. Under it is a cleared check box labeled Match Upper / Lower case. Next is a Display area at left with selected check boxes for Entry Name, Control / Item Name, Event Name, Line Number, and Line Where Found. At right is an area labeled Search In with selected check boxes for Properties, Scripts, and Variables.
  3. Enter the string you want to locate (the search string) in the Search For box.

    The string can be all or part of a word or phrase used in a property, script, or variable. You cannot use wildcards in the search string.

  4. In the Display group box, select the information you want to display in the results of the search.

  5. In the Search In group box, select the parts of the object that you want PowerBuilder to inspect: properties, scripts, and/or variables.

  6. Click OK.

    PowerBuilder searches the libraries for matching entries. When the search is complete, PowerBuilder displays the matching entries in the Output window.

For example, the following screen displays the results of a search for the string garbagecollect:

Shown is a sample output window with a list of 4 matches for the string garbage collect. One of the entries is highlighted.

From the Output window, you can: